6 Things That Made Me Smile This Week!

I've had quite a simple week with nothing much exciting happening. I've been a bit down in the dumps recently for whatever reason with the urge to burst out crying with frustration and angry at our selfish, unlikable society. However that is not to say that this week hasn't been filled full of smiles and laughter too:

1. I never fail to be amazed at how much my friends make me laugh. There is only a handful of people in this world who I actually genuinely enjoy being in the company of and these amazing girls make up half that number. I am so lucky to have them. 

2. That wonderful feeling of getting into a nice clean bed after you've had a massive fight with the sheets because they refuse to stop pinging off the mattress changed the sheets. 

3. FaceTime with my Grandad is always a joy. He's gone so high-tec now! 

4. The smell of heaven, also known as vanilla extract. 

5. There is something so special about eating cake mixture before it goes in the oven. I could quite happily make a bowl full of the stuff and eat that for dessert instead. 

6. Full out belly laughing at our cat Toby for hunting out the BIGGEST spider I've ever seen on Friday. However I get the feeling he was a bit confused at the praise he received considering we tell him off for hunting mice! 

Posts I've been enjoying this week include: Jess's Does Your Age Determine Your Maturity? and Rachel's London Fashion Week Favourites 

Keep Smiling,
Love Beth xx