
Hi and welcome to my little corner of the internet Bethany Zoe.

So what do you wanna know about me?

I'm an 19 year-old university student originally from Essex but living, procrastinating and studying  to be a Primary school teacher in Winchester, famous for its huge ass cathedral and hat festival (yeah I'm not sure why either!).

I'm an old soul who likes quiet nights in but who can dance until the sun goes down. Coffee makes me gag but tea is heaven in a mug. I like to paint but I'm rubbish at it. I go on holiday just to collect key rings from souvenir shops. I own loads of clothes that I never wear and I walk Toby in the fields behind our house, even though he is a cat. I like cats. And dogs. And pretty much any other creature that breathes hence the being veggie bit!

I started my blogging journey in February 2014 when 'Written In Black & White' was born, after reading a ton of rubbish blogs and thinking I could do better. Spoiler: I couldn't. It later went on the become 'In The Clouds' and now I've finally settled on this name.

Today this blog contains a whole lot of dodgy photography, ramblings and posts that don't really have a point other than to say you've got this girl and everything is going to be okay. It's a working progress, a diary, a photo album and a motivational kick-up-the-bum kind of blog.

I realise most people probably won't care about the thoughts of a nineteen year old girl, but make of it what you will and enjoy! 



Reading a comment always makes my day a little bit brighter! Thank you for stopping by and I will get back to you soon xx