6 Things That Made Me Smile This Week!

With only 11 days left until Christmas, my household is full of people rushing about wrapping up the last few presents, writing cards, food shopping and pulling the decorations down from the attic. I swear this is the only time of year we ever venture up there. But that is mostly due to he fear of a) falling off the ladder or b) being ambushed by an army of angry spiders. I really don't mind insects and animals like snakes but there is just something about spiders that give me the creeps. I just have images of them lurking in with the ball balls & paper chains and getting rather annoyed then they are rudely awoken from their slumber by a couple of humans dancing to Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

What else have I been up to this week, I hear you say? Take a look (and yes I know there is only technically 5 things but lets just pretend there is 6!):

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-Beautiful mornings: Monday mornings are always the most horrible and dullest mornings of the week. However I was pleasantly surprised to be woken up on Monday to a beautiful red sky, so bright it almost looked like it was burning. And on my walk to the bus stop, I saw how frost had covered the grass and rooftops so it appeared as though they had been painted white in the night. What else could you ask for on a Monday morning?

-RVP: The following day was the broadcasting of my one my favourite shows, The Royal Variety Performance. When this programme, along with it's usual collection of comedians that make you burst out laughing and the breath-taking, inhuman variety acts, comes on TV I know Christmas is just around the corner!

-Birthday meals: On 11th it was my Mum's birthday so all of our family went out for a meal at the Mexican restaurant Chiquito. I had never been before and was excited to try the food as I'm currently obsessed with Mexican food. It was a nice place but I didn't like the main meal very much. However I did really enjoy the Lemon Cake and Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream I had for desert! Typical me.

-Laptop problems: As my laptop is quite old I have been having some problems with it for the past few months. I hoped it would sort itself out but eventually it got to the point where I couldn't even get onto the internet because it took 5 hours to log on! But thankful a friend of my parent's saved all my documents onto a memory stick and switched my laptop back to factory settings. So now its just like having a brand-new computer, but for half the price!

-Parcels: And lastly after waiting for a certain parcel to arrive for ages, it finally came on Friday. And what was in that parcel? You will have to wait until the middle of next week to find out, but rest assured its a good one. I promise.

Hope you had a great week! And remember to tune in later next week to find out about the Mystery Parcel as well. Yes, I'm just as excited as you too!

See you then,
Love Beth xx


  1. I love this style of post! I agree with The Royal Variety Performance! I had a similar problem with my laptop a few years back and it got to the point were it wasn't turning on and I was so happy when all my stuff was finally put on a memory stick! Glad you got it sorted x x
    Becky x


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