Somehow as a society we have got it into our heads that we have to surround ourselves with people and their senseless chatter 24/7. When did it become so socially unacceptable to go to the cinema alone? To eat in a restaurant with no one sitting across from you. To book a holiday for one. To sit next to nothing but your bag on the bus or to sit down on a park bench in the middle of nowhere and just read (FIY reading is flippin' cool!).
What the hell is wrong with that?
Just because people are alone doesn't mean they are lonely.
I'm totally happy in my own company, but when I'm not it's because there is that fear that I'm being judged by everyone around me. Are they sitting there whispering about me? Are they calling me a freak? A loner? Friendless? And it bloody well winds me up.
I just feel like jumping up and giving them a good shake while reeling off a list of my friends' names and all the social events I've ever been to. I want to tell that I'm being an independent person, who unlike them, can do things on her own without a trail of people following after her.
That as statistics show, pretty much 50% of the world are introverts who have learnt that teamwork doesn't always make the dream work and that two heads aren't always better than one.
That if we were meant to be with somebody all the flipping time, we would have been born with a friend attached to our hip!
I mean I'm pretty sure that there are times when even THE sassy boo that is, Beyonce is alone and if she can be satisfied with just her and own sense of humor for company, so can we all!
So yeah, next time you see somebody sitting/standing alone, please don't just assume they are lonely and need a massive bear hug or something. Maybe it's you who needs the hug and a shout in the ear hole to say "Hey! Get your face out that girl's bum and go stare out that window for a bit"
What's the point in having that cute little voice in our head that chats away to us all day if we just ignore it? They say it's perfectly normal to talk to yourself- you are only crazy if you talk back!
So come on, lets all get lost in our own brains wherever we might be at this exact moment in time. Tune out all that noise around you. The cat can wait to be fed later, your not their servant (okay maybe you are!) and just listen to that voice. You'll be amazed what you learn about yourself.
See, it's not so bad being alone is it? If you start to feel judged by anyone...well, you've been gifted with those fingers on the ends of your hands. Use 'em!
Love Beth xx
YES YES YES! This blog is spot on hun, I always have to rattle those who jump in and out of relationships because they can't get over the fear of being alone and doing stuff for themselves! I loved spending time on my own, even now i'm in a relationship I'm happy to go and sit in a cafe/restaurant alone or walk around town on my own. It feels great!
ReplyDeleteEmmie ||
Aw thank you so much for leaving such a lovely comment! I totally get what you mean because I'm so happy sitting alone but some people just don't like it.
DeleteI love this! I hate going to the grocery store alone... or with my boyfriend lol. I just hate going to the grocery store period. But I love spending a night in alone or going out for a drink by myself if he's busy. I also walk my dog and go workout alone and I always get weird stares at the gym when I'm alone. What, you've never seen someone workout alone? Try it and you'll probably have a better workout! But I must say that being in a long relationship, we do mostly eat or go to the movies together just because that's what we like to do :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't judge people who are alone, I just always try and strike up a conversation with them in case they are lonely! Either way, it's nice to be friendly.
Those judging looks are also why I don't bother going to the gym! I can't be asked with all that anymore.
DeleteCouldn't agree more I love being alone, it's fine you need your own space to think and do what you want
ReplyDeleteExactly! You can't surround yourself with people all the time- appreciate the silence of just little old you x
DeleteI tend to spend most of my time alone so sometimes I just want to be around other people but I totally understand what you're saying and I agree. Sometimes when I am around people I actually just want to be left alone!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, don't get me wrong I adore being with people but sometimes I personally choose to be alone and I'm totally okay with that. I just wish everyone else was xx
DeleteOooh yes! Preach it :D
ReplyDeleteI 100% agree with this! And I love how passionate you're about this, made me laugh (in a good way)
I went solo backpacking last year and people home always asked why are you going alone or have you found some new company yet? I did meet great people but many days I was just happy wandering around by myself.
I always say: If you can't be with yourself from time to time how can you expect others to want to spend time with you?
Wow! I don't think I would have the guts to go solo backpacking like you did but I still believe in your little saying there! Xx
DeleteReading a comment always makes my day a little bit brighter! Thank you for stopping by and I will get back to you soon xx