Guess who's back?


It's me. Remember me?

Remember this place?

Probably not, because as you have more than likely noticed things are a little different around here. I've got a brand new blog name and design and things are well and truly a go.

A lot has happened since the last time I wrote anything here.

I got a job in retail for a bit (and never again!), finished my A Levels, went on about a hundred and one different interviews and got a place at my first choice university to study my dream career, I miraculously survived my first year there and am now counting down the days until I moved into my new house to start second year.

It's been the most nerving wracking, craziest, thrilling but amazing few years of my life and part of me is sad that it never really got documented in the way that I would have wanted. But taking a break from blogging helped me to find myself and discover what I really wanted to be putting out there.

And to tell you the truth, I kind of fell out of love with blogging.

I was fed up with creating content that was identical to everyone else's because that’s what I knew people would read. I had major writing block. I was embarrassed by the utter rubbish I was spewing out because gotta stick to the scheduled three posts a week like anyone was actually counting. But more than anything else, I was saddened by the fact that we were now living in an age where blogs were becoming even more glossier and perfect. I wanted to hang on to the old school style of blogging where people wrote about things they really cared about and not just because somebody paid them a couple of quid to do it.

 My blog stats were falling. My followers were dropping like flies. And I felt like a failure.

Then one day, I realised I didn’t really care anymore about that stuff. I missing writing for the sake of writing because it was therapeutic and fun and worthwhile. Plus, answering “Does attempting to train my cat to give paw count?” to the question “Do you have any hobbies?” was getting a tad embarrassing!

So I opened up for the first time in two years and started to writing this post. And it felt like I was finally home.

So if you are looking for gorgeous pictures and content so pristine it looks like its been vomited straight out of Vogue, then this probably isn't the blog for you. But if you want real, honest, meaty posts that won't gloss over the acne, the bad hair days and the one-too-many glasses of wine days, then you've come to the right place.

I really hope you like it.