But so what?
So many people see alcohol and drinking as a bad thing and yes, excessive drinking is bad. We all know that. But when did it become so frowned upon for people to knock a few back and have a good time?
I like alcohol. Sorry but I do. I like the taste of it. I like the smell of it. And most of all, I like how it makes me feel. I like how it makes me happy. Makes me love myself even when my sober self can't. I like how it makes that little annoying voice in my head disappear. The one that tells me not to say that, do that, think that because it’s stupid, embarrassing and wrong. The voice that tells me I'm not good enough. Clever enough. Pretty enough. But, it only tells us those things because that's what society has made us think. And that is what is wrong.
But when we are drunk, none of that matters. In that moment you don’t think about anything else apart from what our next drink is gonna be or the lyrics to the song that's playing. In that moment you are you and you are the most amazing thing that ever existed in the world. And I love that feeling because that’s how we should feel all of the time.
But we don’t.
But we don’t.
We are afraid to love ourselves and be ourselves. We are scared of what people will say about us and think about us. But with alcohol seeping through our veins we smile a little more, laugh a little louder and love a whole lot harder. In that moment, we are on top of the world. And it feels incredible!
Maybe that is all just me, though. Maybe I am just a happy social drinker who thinks that nothing beats sitting around the kitchen table with the people she love most in the world, playing drinking games, reminiscing and talking about who knows what until the sun goes down (or until security or the landlord turns up!).
But seriously, I can't be the only one who feels like that little piece of personality inside you, that for some reason gets locked away, is coxed out by your vodka and coke. The silly, hilarious, life and soul of the party personality that you didn't even know existed just explodes right out of your chest and everything is ten times more enjoyable and funnier.
You feel alive and just...whole in a way that you never do sober.
You feel alive and just...whole in a way that you never do sober.
So why do we feel like in the morning, when we are blearily eyed and hung over, that that piece of us has to go back into hiding? Yes, I don’t mean that you should be standing on tables in the office reenacting dance routines or falling under parked cars and giving yourself the biggest bruise you have ever seen because you can't walk in a straight line (fun story!). Because yes, we all do shameful things when alcohol is involved. But what if we took the best bits of our drunk self. The good stuff. The stuff we wish our sober self was.
Let’s talk to people like we do to strangers in the ladies bogs or the man in the take away shop. If you like that women’s top or her hair, say it. Don’t hold back. Let's all love ourselves a little more and worry about what other's think a little less. Let’s be more spontaneous and do things because it makes our hearts soar. Let's take more photos to capture the moment and because you think damn I look good tonight. Let’s dance like no one is watching. And sing like no one is listening.
Let’s be drunk and happy all of the time!
Just without the alcohol, because that would be expensive.
Just without the alcohol, because that would be expensive.
Reading a comment always makes my day a little bit brighter! Thank you for stopping by and I will get back to you soon xx